Tips For Protecting Your Fence During Hurricane Season

Hurricane is known to cause a lot of damages especially in the coastal area and if you are living in hurricane prone area, you will need to be well prepared before the hurricane season. While you are preparing for this season, you also need to follow the right maintenance schedule so that your home will be in good shape even after hurricane. Since the fence is an important part of your property, you need to take extra precautions so that you can protect your property and it does not suffer from any significant damages. Apart from the damages to the fence, hurricane can also cause a lot of damages to your overall property. You can lessen the impact of the strong wind and storm when you are well prepared to withstand severe weather conditions. Fences are not only damaged due to pest infestations and water issues but forceful wind can also damage the fence beyond repair. Hence, if you want to protect your investment you will need to take the right steps that are needed for keeping the fences look beautiful so that it will remain functional all through the year.

Inspect and repair – fences that are old or worn out needs to be inspected and repaired before the hurricane season so that it will remain strong even during storm, strong winds and hurricane. Rotted and unstable fence should be replaced at the earliest because it has the risk of being ripped from the ground during high winds. These fences can also cause major damage to your other belongings and hence you need to be alert as soon as you get warning of severe weather conditions.

Storm proof your fences – storm proofing your fence involves checking the fences for damaged or loose posts and support beams. This is extremely important so that your fences do not rip apart during hurricane season because it might cause more damages to your property. Any lose post of the fence should be buried back into the ground and severely damaged beams and posts should be replaced.

Install wind resistant fencing – whether you are installing a new fence or replacing your old fences, you should plan your selection wisely so that you are well prepared for severe weather conditions. Installing wind resistant fencing is the way of getting fences that are capable of withstanding the strongest wind. If you want to secure your property, you need to carefully choose the fence that is made of durable and strong material for added support and protection. If you are staying in windy area, you should also make the right selection of the fence material so that it will remain strong without being damaged.

Secure your gates – before the hurricane season, you should lock your gates with chain or padlock because strong winds can make the gate to slam against the fence. This could cause considerable damage if you don’t take precautionary measure to protect your property and other valuable belongings. If your gate is not very strong and it has chances of getting damaged during strong winds, then you should remove the gates and let the storm pass. It helps you to protect your fences and other belongings without being concerned about the damages that might affect the property adversely.

Perform extra fence maintenance – seasonal maintenance also includes the maintenance of your fence and other important part of your property. But storm season requires extra thorough examination of the fence for making sure that it is in excellent shape. Any issues with the fence might get aggravated during the storm and hence you will need to contact professionals for the maintenance and repair of the fence. Old and damaged fence might deteriorate further after the storm season and hence you should be well prepared so that you don’t have to face storm damage to the fences. If you are in need of fence repair or replacement, you need to contact your insurance company as it is covered under the homeowner’s warranty. Weather related damages are generally covered under the insurance and you will need to contact the company for any kind of fencing needs. But for maximum benefits, you should look for the different homeowners insurance programs so that you will get maximum coverage for your property and its belongings.


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